Saturday, March 22, 2014

Blog Post #9

While watching the video Little Kids.... Big Potential I learned what Mrs. Cassidy's students do and what they have learned. Mrs. Cassidy's students have a blog similar to the blog we have in EDM 310. Her students know to not hurt others feelings in there blog post or comments to other students. The kids in the video said that they are always positive in there comments to others. We are taught the same way in EDM 310 and I believe being positive is an important way of communication. There are a couple of techniques that I will take from Mrs. Cassidy's video Interview With Kathy Cassidy Part 1. Her students have an individual blog and a class blog. My class will also have a class blog and an individual blog. There are many benefits of having blogs for my students and class as a whole. My major is Physical Education. While teaching the weather may be bad outside while we are supposed to be doing an outdoor activity. If I have a class blog, I can put a post up before class about instructions of what to expect for the upcoming class session. The topic of PLN's were brought up by Dr. Strange. I have already started to get my PLN going in education. Dr. Strange mentioned that he did not have a twitter before. He made a deal to try it and see how it was. He said the his life has not been the same since he started using it. He also stated that he met Mrs. Cassidy through twitter. Mrs. Cassidy also talked about protecting the students, and protecting them from what they can see. She said that her students never put their last name on their work on the internet or none of there personal information. Something that can be done to protect them while at school is something such as a website blocker, blocking the inappropriate sites. A number of things can be learned from Mrs. Cassidy's interview. The video's were very helpful.



  1. Great post Tyler, you showed that you really learned something from these videos. PLN's are very important in connecting as a teacher, and it is very good that you have already started making your PLN. It will be better in the long run to go ahead and get a head start now. Good post, just be sure to proof read it before posting next time.

  2. You brought up some great points and it sounds like you learned a lot of Mrs. Cassidy. Just as you said, even in physical education there are many uses for technology and ways to incorporate it in your field.
